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Epoch Converter

Unix Epoch time converter

Time Type Time Zone
2024-12-21 05:49:33-05:00 EST
Y-m-d H:i:sP
Local EST
21.12.2024 10:49:33
d.m.Y H:i:s
ISO 8601 time GMT/UTC
Sat, 21 Dec 2024 10:49:33 +0000
D, d M Y H:i:s O
RFC 2822 time GMT/UTC
seconds since Jan 01 1970
Epoch time GMT/UTC
1734864573 / 1734691773
seconds since Jan 01 1970
Epoch time +/- 1 day GMT/UTC
1735382973 / 1734173373
seconds since Jan 01 1970
Epoch time +/- 1 week GMT/UTC
1737456573 / 1732186173
seconds since Jan 01 1970
Epoch time +/- 1 month GMT/UTC
1766314173 / 1703155773
seconds since Jan 01 1970
Epoch time +/- 1 year GMT/UTC

Epoch Converter FAQ

What is Epoch Time?

Epoch time, also known as Unix time or POSIX time, is the amount of time in seconds that has elapsed since January 1st, 1970 (00:00:00 UTC). It is important to note that this time does not change no matter where you are geographically located, which is why it is useful for online applications that are tracking time. It also allows you to programmatically and mathematically compare dates with other measures of time. Unix time may be checked on most Unix systems by typing date +%s on the command line.

UNIX Epoch Timestamp

The purpose of the online Epoch time converter is to output the UNIX Epoch timestamp into a human readable date/time, in both local time or GMT/UTC. For example, a UNIX system might record the timestamp as 1459734769 which does not mean much to the normal user. Once converted, to say a format of Y-m-d H:i:sP, it results in an output of 2016-04-03 18:52:49-07:00. This can then be easily manipulated and used to display to users.

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